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Better Job for Fifty plus: incontro in Danimarca
pubblicata il 22/09/2009

Denmark, United Kingdom, Hungary, Malta and Italy are making a comparison on the situation of over 50 in the labour market. The meeting will be held in Vejle (Denmark) from Wednesday 23rd to Friday 25th of September as part of the "Better Job for Fifty Plus" project, which leader is the Province of Livorno and manager Province of Livorno Sviluppo, representing Italy. The meeting is focused on a comparison on over 50 migrants tools for lifelong learning among the partners and with the local stakeholders in a round table. The project, funded under the LLP Leonardo da Vinci, aims to create a European network of knowledge and exchange of training systems for older workers, including minorities such as migrants, to enhance and prolong their presence at work. Therefore the main goal is to develop learning tools target oriented, useful for the institutions and structures which are involved in training and work. Through a process of study and comparison of best practices in each country are identified, appropriate measures to favour the active aging such as improvement of educational activities through lifelong learning. The network built by the five partners works to ensure information and exchanges on the subject until 2010, on topics such as aging assets, the integration of immigrants over 50, the flexicurity (European social model which combines flexibility in the labor market and social security), equality of gender.